There is one particular sauce in Italian traditional cuisine that, more than all others, is centred around extra virgin olive oil. Pesto!
The central step in making pesto involves smashing or blending a nut (typically pine nuts) with garlic and olive oil, achieving a thick paste.
A variety of herbs or vegetables can then be added to the nut mix to add flavor and dimension. This recipe uses wild garlic not only because it is a favorite ingredient among Italians, but also because it is an herb that can be foraged in woodlands throughout the Northern Hemisphere (and is often available at your local farmer’s market).
We promise this wild garlic pesto will bring an added measure of coziness to your fall evenings.
1. Place the pine nuts and 5 tablespoons of Classico olive oil in a blender cup and blend until smooth. Add the wild garlic leaves and blend until you achieve a smooth paste (without any lumps).
2. Stir in the grated parmigiano and add the 2 more tablespoons of olive oil.3. If using the pesto as a sauce for pasta, bring a pot of water to boil, add salt and cook the pasta according to packet instructions.
4. Drain the pasta and reserve 1 cup of the pasta water. Place the pasta in a deep bowl with the pesto and mix together, adding more pasta water if you prefer a thinner sauce.