Farming, Sustainability, & Tradition

Each bottle of Libellula extra virgin olive oil is made by farmers using traditional methods just as their families have for centuries.
Libellula extra virgin olive oil is made by family farmers who work in harmony with nature: olives are grown without the use of pesticides, are harvested by hand, and are cold-pressed – preserving the flavor and integrity of the olive oil.
Over the years we have worked on designing a sustainable olive tree cultivation which can be implemented by our Partners and other farmers throughout Italy.
Not only has our land benefited from these naturally restorative measures, it has produced an extra virgin olive oil with exceptional texture and flavor.
Our olive groves are our garden. Each tree has its own story, and the passage of the seasons can be traced on the lines of its bark. We tend to each of our olive groves with love and pride, helping our trees grow healthy and strong.
To do this, we combine the millenary agricultural traditions of our territory with modern, technological innovations.
For example, our solar well integrates with data analysis so that we are able to conserve amount of water flowing to our groves, preventing water-waste.
We work with FieldView which, through GIS technology, allows us to monitor each section of the land. As while some areas are naturally more arid and thus need more hydration, the soil in other sections of the groves is able to retain moisture. Using this technology helps us to manage resources sustainably and effectively.
We also work with Elaisian to prevent any potential risks to our beloved olive trees. This technology allows us to closely monitor temperature, weather patterns, ice, rain, and potential pests, so that we can quickly make changes if the health of our trees is in danger.
But whether we‘re utilizing traditional farming methods or new innovations, we follow organic and sustainable practices every step of the way.
Libellula's Harvest Cycle
Our solar year begins mid-February, when we use organic BluOlivo to fertilize our land, strengthening the roots of our trees.
Then, as soon as spring the weather signals a low risk of frost, pruning begins. This is one of the most important and delicate activities in the life cycle of the olive tree – it guides the harmonious growth of the tree's foliage, providing insulation during the hot summer months – and is repeated every year.
Between the end of April and early May, flowering begins – a highly anticipated moment for our farmers!
The tree's flowers, which will soon become olives, are at first small and light. A gust of wind or heavy rain could easily detach it from the tree, and so the weather and the groves are closely monitored during these few weeks.
During this period we proceed with a second round of fertilization.
Throughout the spring, summer, and fall we are in a constant battle with our insect friends, as they love to dine on the leaves of the olive trees. To defend against their attacks, we apply caolino (a very fine clay mineral) to the leaves. This creates a light layer that that looks like dust, naturally repelling the bugs and insects who share our groves.
The date of our harvest is determined by our farmers as they closely follow the signs of the weather, height of the sea level, and the lunar cycles.
The first harvest, usually in early October, produces our Riserva Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
As the olives are still young and smaller in size, this harvest will produce the lowest yield. However it will also create a decedant olive oil of unique quality and taste. Typically this olive oil is more peppery in flavor, with notes of grass and green leaves, and contains higher oleocanthal and oleacein properties.
Early harvest extra virgin olive oil, like our Riserva, is hard to find on the market. Many farmers prefer to harvest their olives when higher yields are possible.
However, the added health benefits make it a premium choice for the kitchen and body. Along with the powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidants found in early harvest olive oil, regular exposure to low doses of anti-inflammatory agents like oleocanthal offers protection against cardiovascular diseases and aging.
Olives from both our first and second harvest are cold pressed just hours after being picked, producing the highest quality olive oil.
The second harvest, between the end of October and the beginning of November, will produce the most abundant yield. This is when we press our most popular extra virgin olive oil - the Classico.
The Classico is smooth, floral, and bitter, with undertones of artichoke –perfect for everyday use.
We take pride in making extra virgin olive oil that respects the traditions of the farmers who have worked the land for generations. And we believe that not only is investing in the land and people around us the right thing to do, but that it will also continue to create some of the highest quality extra virgin olive oil we've ever tasted.
A little different every year, a little better every press.